Professional Development
Thank you for your interest in providing quality nursing continuing professional development (NCPD). The Mississippi Nurse Foundation is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. We look forward to guiding you through the process.
NCPD is planned to improve nursing practice and positively impact outcomes for the patient, a population, or the healthcare system. The content must enhance the nurses’ professional development in practice, education, administration, research, or theory development.
Please note that the ANCC has adopted new integrity standards which will replace the previous content integrity standards and conflict of interest (COI) forms. Full implementation is required by July 1, 2022.
ANCC Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education (ACCME, 2020)
The ANCC Toolkit for Standards for Integrity and Independence in Individual Activity Approval is now used to identify, mitigate, and disclose all relevant financial relationships for all individuals in a position to control content.
EXCEPTION: If the activity content is on a NONCLINICAL topic (e.g., preceptor development or leadership), identification, mitigation, and disclosure of financial relationships are NOT required.
If the activity content is on a CLINICAL topic, use the following required forms in the ANCC Toolkit: Integrity Standards IAA toolkit
Template for Collecting Information about All Financial Relationships (page 4)
Nurse Planner’s Worksheet for Mitigation of Identified Relevant Financial Relationships (page 5)
If you are interested in providing NCPD, visit the Provide NCPD page for the application, resources, and payment form. Contact Dr. P. Renée Williams, RN, CCE, at prenee1@gmail.com with any questions regarding the application and Kasey Dorr at kdorr@msnurses.org regarding payment.
If you are already an Approved Provider, the self-study renewal process and forms are located on the Provide NCPD page. If you are interested in becoming an Approved Provider, please contact Dr. Renee Williams at prenee1@gmail.com before completing any forms.